
  • Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Professor at Tashkent State Transport University. Muxamedov Muxammad Raxmadjanovich. Student at Tashkent State Transport University.




As a proof of our opinion, we can cite the qualitative changes taking place in the means of transport, especially in air transport, which are becoming more and more important in the existence of social relations. After all, it has been hundreds of years since air transport was formed as a special type of transport and began to officially serve humanity. But in this short period of time, air transport has developed in an unprecedented way.

Key words: social relations, air transport, airplane, speed.

 “Socio-cultural space is completely different from any natural and geometric spaces” in social relations. It has qualitative changes, other phenomena and non-isotropic properties along with quantitative changes, similar phenomena, isotropic properties. In this sense, as proof of our opinion, we can cite the qualitative changes occurring in vehicles, especially in air transport, which are becoming increasingly important in the existence of social relations. After all, it has been hundreds of years since air transport emerged as a special type of transport and began to officially serve humanity. But in this short period of time, air transport has undergone unprecedented development. The crude flying machines of the early twentieth century have been replaced by airplanes and rockets flying at the speed of sound and even faster. Modern aircraft have been created that are capable of carrying tons of cargo, delivering hundreds of passengers to their destination, and flying thousands of kilometers without transfers.

Every year the number of people choosing air transport as a passenger increases. Currently, this transport network accounts for about 20% of passenger traffic in the world. The role of air transport in international passenger transportation is especially increasing. Because any country in the world can directly connect with each other through air transport. For example, a plane departing from Uzbekistan flies directly to Japan, Australia, Egypt, France, the USA, Brazil and other countries of the world. Distance and natural conditions cannot prevent this. However, no other mode of transport can offer this opportunity. This advantage of air transport has already been proven by world experience. Therefore, today all countries of the world have their own air transport and effectively use this type of transport. In particular, the Republic of Uzbekistan has its own modern air transport. Our aircraft, belonging to Uzbekistan Air Transport, successfully operate many flights within our country and around the world. The air transport of Uzbekistan demonstrates positive indicators in the world in terms of the level of safety of its flights. Uzbekistan “Air transport is important not only from the point of view of passenger transportation (more than 2 million people annually), but also from the point of view of transporting various cargoes. The total length of local air routes has increased to 60 thousand kilometers.

In general, the development of the air transport industry on a global scale is occurring at a rapid pace. The demand and need for this type of transport is growing day by day. Business entities choose air transport to transport their goods. Passengers prefer air transport to reach their destination. Of course, there are reasons for this. Because air transport has its advantages:

   firstly, the destination can be reached in a very short time by air;

   secondly, there is less likelihood of damage to the quality of cargo transported by air;

   thirdly, it is possible to deliver passengers and cargo to any country in the world by air;

   fourthly, extremely favorable conditions will be created for passengers using air transport services;

   fifthly, increased security measures are provided for the air transportation of passengers and cargo to their destination;

   sixthly, there is no need to spend additional funds on the construction of separate roads for air transport and their operation;

   seventh, by air you can reach deserts, mountains, glaciers and other areas with natural barriers;

   Eighth, air transport is used not only on Earth, but also on a cosmic scale, and it can be said that the prospects for future work in this regard are very great.

In addition to the above, there are many other positive aspects of air travel. Summarizing these and other points, we can say that air transport is the transport of the future. The question arises, why the transport of the future, and not the transport of the present. Because now not everyone can afford to use air transportation services. Because the cost of using air transport is high. The main reason for this is the high cost of production of air transport, including the production of spare parts. Also, the large amount of fuel used by air transport affects the cost of passenger and cargo transportation. Only by solving the above problems in the future will air transport become the most popular mode of transport and serve the socio-economic development of society. The solution to this lies in knowledge - enlightenment.

 There is probably no one who does not know who Leonardo da Vinci is. His unique paintings continue to amaze creative people. Anyone who turns to the work of Leonardo da Vinci will definitely discover something for themselves. In the process of writing this research paper you are reading, we also studied the works of Leonardo da Vinci. As a result, it turned out that the great artist painted a flying object with bird wings and a propeller that lifts it, that is, a helicopter. Of course, these drawings are not as accurate as the drawings of current designers. These were just images in the imagination of a great artist. However, it also demonstrates the strong interest in flying machines in society at the time. After all, every creator expresses in his creations the interests and hopes of his time. This feature also applies to Leonardo da Vinci. Thus, in the European society of the Middle Ages, there were views and opinions about aircraft flying in the sky. True, such thoughts were not based on precise calculations; they were in an imaginary, abstract form. However, the most important thing in this place is the existence of thoughts and ideas in any form. Because nothing in the world happens by itself. Before creating any thing-phenomenon, it is necessary to put forward thoughts and ideas, causes and consequences about it. These thoughts and ideas represent a rough version of things that will be created in the future. For centuries, people have lived the dream of realizing these things that exist only in their imagination. We can say that these dreams in people's minds will not remain dreams forever. Indeed, among these people, intelligent, intelligent, talented inventors are confused in creating and applying the thoughts and ideas created by their predecessors and achieving their goals.

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky was a Russian naval officer who lived in 1825-1890. In 1882, he first tried to fly a homemade steam airplane. However, his attempt failed.

December 17, 1903 is the historical day of the founding of world automobile aviation. On this day, Orville Wright flew in a specially built 18-meter high-speed plane. The plane flew a distance of 36.5 meters in 12 seconds. Although this result seems insignificant now, for its time it was a great discovery. After all, to achieve such a result required tireless research and hard work.

During these years, the aviation industry developed very well in European countries. They created new aircraft designs. The cockpit of these aircraft was closed, and the flight range, speed, altitude, power and other technical capabilities of the aircraft were significantly improved. At that time, a shortage of aircraft was developing not only in France, but also in other European countries. In particular, Russia, which was one of the largest empires of that time, achieved a number of successes in aircraft construction.


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  2. Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. The philosophical role of dialectical categories in human life. Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences.  Volume: 1, lssue 6,  2021. -Р.406-410.
  3. Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. Prospects of Development of Communication and Transport System in Uzbekistan. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023 ISSN: 2835-3013.
  4. Salimov, B., Madalimov, T. (2023). Transport falsafasi. Globe Edit.
  5. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. The Importance of Sea Transport in the Communication System. WEB OF SYNERGY: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Volume 2 Issue 1, Year 2023 ISSN: 2835-3013.
  6. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. The Influence of the Transport and Communication System on Social Relations. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Ie Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023. ISSN: 2835-3048.
  7. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Reforms in the Fields of Communication and Transport and their Social Impact. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Ie Education. Volume 2 Issue 2, Year 2023. ISSN: 2835-3048.
  8. Салимов Б.Л. Ижтимоий муносабатларнинг коммуникация ва транспорт тизими билан детерминистик боғлиқлигининг гносеологик таҳлили. Фалсафа фанлари доктори диссертацияси. Ўзбекистон Миллий университети. Тошкент. 2022, 224 б.
  9. Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich, Tursunov, Shokhijakhan Ravshanovich, Haydarov, Mehriddin Nuriddin Ugli (2023). SYNERGETIC APPROACH IN THE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL RELATIONS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 3 (3), 1001-1007.
  10. Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich Salimov. NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT. International Conference" Law, Economics and Tourism sciences in the modern world". 2023/5/1. С. 5-10.


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