6.25 The role of the human factor in technology


  • Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. Normuminov Sarvarbek Shovkat o‘g‘li. Rajabboev Ruslan Muhammad o‘g‘li


Creativity and invention, as one of the central problems of philosophy, connect the phenomenal world with the noumenal world. The reason for this is that at the point of emergence, at the stage of invention, technology acquires its purest form and reveals its essence better. In the process of invention, the technique remains "in itself". That is why the essence of technology is manifested not in production and its products, but only in technical creativity itself, in invention.

Key words: сreativity, invention, creativity, ontological, anthropological, instrumental, evolutionary.

Creativity and invention, as one of the central problems of philosophy, connect the phenomenal world with the noumenal world. The reason for this is that at the point of emergence, at the stage of invention, technology acquires its purest form and reveals its essence better. In the process of invention, the technique remains "in itself". That is why the essence of technology is manifested not in production and its products, but only in technical creativity itself, in invention.

In the structure of technical creativity or invention, the following elements can be distinguished: determination of human purpose, consisting of natural material and internal processing in the mind. Human goal-setting is a unique trigger mechanism of the technical creation process, which is possible only in accordance with the laws of nature and in the presence of natural material. However, this process also means breaking free from the constraints imposed by natural laws. As a result, it cannot be carried out without the third, most important element - internal processing in the mind. Pre-given solutions to technical problems are created with the existing transcendental field and according to the pre-given artifacts. According to the European scientist Dessauer, the inventor should think as follows: he should think about what happened as a result of his creation, not with the consciousness of "I did it", but with the consciousness of "I found". It was already somewhere, and I had to look for it for a long time... It could not appear before it had fulfilled its purpose and formed itself in my thinking, because it could only be that way. I found him in another world, and he avoided appearing in the visible world until I saw his true form clearly enough in another world. Ultimately, Dessauer interprets inventions as a continuation of God's original plan of creation and concludes that technology, like nature, is an extension of divine wisdom, an "encounter with God."



Как цитировать

Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. Normuminov Sarvarbek Shovkat o‘g‘li. Rajabboev Ruslan Muhammad o‘g‘li. (2024). 6.25 The role of the human factor in technology. Научный журнал Инновационные технологии в строительстве, 6(1), 103–106. извлечено от https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/211