
  • Abdualiyev Elerbek Begalievich Tashkent State University of Transport, doctoral student. Mirkhanova Mavzhuda Mikhailovna Tashkent State University of Transport, senior lecturer. Umaraliev Shokhzhakhon Mukhammadruzi ugli Tashkent State University of Transp


Abstract: The operation of artificial structures provides for the implementation of a complex of maintenance and repair works. Currently, more than three quarters of bridges on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan require repair, more than half of the existing bridges have insufficient dimensions and carrying capacity. This situation became possible due to an incorrect forecast of the development of traffic flows and insufficient consideration of the operating conditions of transport facilities.

Keywords: class of rolling stock; comparison of classes of elements of the structure with the load class; clarification of the boundaries of the use of pipe structures according to current standard projects.




Умаралиев Шохжахон Мухаммадрузи угли

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, ассистент.

Ембергенов Авезмурат Бекмуратович

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, ассистент.

Мирханова Мавжуда Михайиловна

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, старший преподаватель.

Абдуалиев Элёрбек Бегалиевич

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, доктарант.

Аннотация: Эксплуатация искусственных сооружений предусматривает выполнение комплекса работ по содержанию и ремонту. В настоящее время более трех четвертей мостов на территории Республики Узбекистан требуют ремонта, более половины существующих мостов имеют недостаточный габарит и грузоподъёмность. Данная ситуация стала возможной из-за неправильного прогноза развития транспортных потоков и недостаточного учёта условий эксплуатации транспортных сооружений.

Ключевые слова: георадиолокации, подвижного состава; сравнение классов элементов сооружения с классом нагрузки; уточнение границ применения конструкций труб по действующим типовым проектам.

Introduction. Any structure during its existence goes through a number of life cycles: design, construction, operation, liquidation structures. The least attention is paid to the issues of the operation of structures in the engineer training program, despite the fact that this discipline is the most important and long-lasting component of the life of the bridge. The nomenclature of mandatory operational routine maintenance works for the maintenance of bridge structures, performed regardless of their technical condition, is determined in accordance with the "Classification of works on re-installation and maintenance of public roads" [1] and "Methodological recommendations for the maintenance of bridge structures on motor roads" [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. The operation of artificial structures provides for the implementation of a complex of maintenance and repair works. Currently, more than three quarters of bridges in Uzbekistan require repair, more than half of the existing bridges have insufficient dimensions and carrying capacity. This situation became possible due to an incorrect forecast of the development of traffic flows and insufficient accounting operating conditions of transport facilities. The situation is similar in many other countries, so in the USA, according to statistics, 41% of bridges functionally obsolete (i.e., the weight of passing vehicles is strictly limited on them). The main reasons for the unsatisfactory technical condition and reduced durability of bridges in comparison with the standard include the following:

– a sharp increase in the level of loads;

– strengthening the influence of aggressive environments;

– lack of competitiveness of projects;

– design and construction of bridges without taking into account;

– underestimation of bridge operation issues when drawing up road maintenance plans.

The work on the "maintenance" of bridges includes measures for the implementation of supervision, care, prevention and preventive maintenance. Supervision of the construction provides for: permanent and periodic  inspections; special observations; surveys and tests; maintenance of ship signaling and dimensions of the approach of buildings; wiring of bridges; access to facilities for excess and oversized loads.

Fig. 1 The most common types of cracks in railway girder structures.

Monitoring should be organized in cases of operation of large and complex bridge structures with externally statically indeterminate structures, in which additional forces and deformations may occur due to geological, hydrological, landslide and seismic phenomena, or additional stress (force regulation) is applied in the construction of superstructures, or there is a large uncertainty of long-term processes associated with creep of concrete or temperature deformations[11,12].

Monitoring is organized at all stages of the existence of a bridge structure:

- at the design stage – a reasonable choice of the place of the bridge crossing, the structural scheme of the bridge, the choice of materials, the correctness of the calculation of the stress–strain state, a reasonable assessment of the regional-geological and climatic conditions, the choice of means of protection against the aggressive effects of the operating environment;

- at the construction stage – compliance with design decisions on manufacturing and installation technology, and in case of deviations from the project, justification of replacement one technological solution to another;

- at the stage of operation – diagnostics of the condition of the structure, assessment of its load capacity and residual resource, adoption and implementation of recommendations for repair and reconstruction.

Conclusion. At the beginning of the work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technical documentation for the construction, which includes design and executive documentation (executive drawings of load-bearing structures, approval documents for deviations from the project, acceptance certificates for hidden works, certificates for metal and documents on the quality of materials used), materials of previous surveys (technical reports and conclusions), passport and book artificial structures.




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  1. Abdualiev E. B., Embergenov A. B. /Case of waterproofing pipes on railways/ skills of the 21st century for professional activity /volume 2/Tashkent 2021/2/15/ 184-185 p.


10.Abdualiev E.B., Abdukarimov A.M. Increase of productivity and reliability of control of rails. Architectural and construction science and period materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference part №. 2 T.: 2017y. 24-26p.

11.Abdualiyev, E.B. (2019) "Research of surface condition of the rails rolling on sections of high-speed and high-speed train traffic, ," Journal of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers: Vol.15:Iss.2,Article14.Available at:https://uzjournals.edu.uz/tashiit/vol15/iss2/14

12.Abdualiyev, E.B. (2019) "Research of surface condition of the rails rollingon sections of high-speed and high-speed train traffic," Journal of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers: Vol.15:Iss.3,Article4. Available at: https://uzjournals.edu.uz/tashiit/vol15/iss3/4







How to Cite

Abdualiyev Elerbek Begalievich Tashkent State University of Transport, doctoral student. Mirkhanova Mavzhuda Mikhailovna Tashkent State University of Transport, senior lecturer. Umaraliev Shokhzhakhon Mukhammadruzi ugli Tashkent State University of Transp. (2023). 11. OPERATION AND DIAGNOSTICS OF BRIDGES IN RAILWAY TRACKS . Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 2(1). Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/88

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