
  • Abdualiyev Elerbek Begalievich Tashkent State University of Transport, doctoral student. Mirkhanova Mavzhuda Mikhailovna Tashkent State University of Transport, senior lecturer. Umaraliev Shokhzhakhon Mukhammadruzi ugli Tashkent State University of Transp


Abstract: In this article, karsts, avalanches, landslides, flooding and mudflows are dangerous because they develop rarely, rapidly and pose a serious threat to people's lives. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to take appropriate engineering protection measures to find out what features the territory has and whether it is prone to such processes. And this requires geodetic surveys.

Keywords: Drones, karsts, avalanches, landslides, flooding, total station survey, UAV, point cloud, 3D model, terrain elevation map.




Мирханова Мавжуда Михайиловна

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, старший преподаватель.

Умаралиев Шохжахон Мухаммадрузи угли

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, ассистент.

Ембергенов Авезмурат Бекмуратович

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, ассистент.

Абдуалиев Элёрбек Бегалиевич

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, доктарант.

Аннотация: В данной стати карсты, лавины, оползни, затопления и селевые потоки представляют опасность, поскольку развиваются редко, стремительно и создают серьезную угрозу жизни людей. Для предотвращения таких ситуаций, необходимо принять соответствующие мероприятия инженерной защиты, чтобы выяснить, какими особенностями обладает территория и склонна ли она к подобным процессам. А это требует проведения геодезических изысканий.

Ключевые слова: Беспилотники, карсты, лавины, оползни, затопления, тахеометрическая съемка, БПЛА, облако точек, 3D-модель, карта высот местности.

Introduction. The use of modern geodetic equipment allows us to develop the most effective measures in a short time. About what results can be achieved thanks to laser scanning and drones. Traditional methods of geodetic surveying include classical (total station survey) and satellite technologies. The methods are reliable and time-tested, but they have a number of significant drawbacks.

Fig. 1.Total station survey.

So, after the survey, a topographic plan is obtained that does not cover the entire territory under consideration as a whole, but only individual characteristic points, the density of which on the ground corresponds to the selected accuracy class and the scale of the survey. As a result, important terrain features may be unfixed, and this is of critical importance when designing engineering protection measures. And in the future it may lead to the development of a dangerous geological phenomenon[1,2,3,4,5,6,7].

The second disadvantage of the results of classical methods is the difficulty in interpreting the information received, since the image turns out to be flat. Another disadvantage of performing a total station survey or shooting using satellite receivers is the need to travel long distances on foot. For this reason, carrying out surveys on vast territories (several hectares) takes a lot of time, and the relevance of the information may be lost even before the survey is completed.

Fig. 2. Scan and surface with horizontal landslide slope near the wall ST-3.

The main advantage of laser scanning is the ability to create a three—dimensional point model of an object. The result is achieved with the help of laser scanners working on the principle of measuring the distance to the object and fixing the directions to these segments. With one scanner installation, you can form an entire point cloud of a given area of space. The array of received data is processed on a computer — surface models, elevation maps are created, horizontals are isolated. All this serves as the basis for the development of plans, sections and drawings. When aerial photography from a UAV is used, a digital camera with high resolution is used. This makes it possible to obtain a stereo image, assign the exact coordinates of the centers to the images, and also in most cases exclude the marking of ground markings. The information received is processed in a special computer program: the photos are scaled, the necessary corrections are made to them. As a result, a large-scale surface plan is formed[8,9,10,11].

The equipment set consists of several components. The first is a UAV that serves as a carrier of equipment for aerial photography and transmission of satellite signal reception. The second is a satellite receiver, which is used to determine the positions of control points or identification signs. It can also be used as a base station if there are no permanent ones available in the district. The third is a digital camera. The fourth is smartphones and PCs for performing preparatory work and desk processing of field materials. UAVs can also be equipped with multispectral, thermal imaging cameras, lidars and other devices. Aerial photography is performed according to a proven algorithm. First, the territory or object is studied, the appropriate equipment is selected. It is being prepared for operation and checked (verified, calibrated and configured). Next, flight tasks are developed: the boundaries and height, the speed of the UAV movement, the overlap of images, and so on are determined. The presence of the initial terrestrial or satellite geodetic networks is checked, solutions for connecting and linking devices to them are determined. Identification marks or control points are marked and coordinated. The UAV receiver is connected to a permanent station or to a specially installed one at points whose coordinates are known. The camera is calibrated, flight characteristics are checked[12].

Aerial photography is being performed. Then the data from the UAV is transferred to a computer, processed with the assignment of exact coordinates and heights to the centers of the images. Photogrammetric processing is carried out. A geo-linked orthophotoplane, a point cloud, a 3D model, and a horizontal elevation map are created. If additional equipment is used, thermal imaging, multispectral images and other information are prepared. In the process of work, the Institute's staff performed aerial photography from the BLPA of a section about 1.5 km long. Periodic geodetic control of the geometric parameters of the body of the embankment was carried out and geodetic control of deformations of the soil mass was carried out. The information received was analyzed, a conclusion was drawn up on the progress of construction.This made it possible to assess the condition of the embankment relative to the design solutions, as well as to analyze and control the situation with the volume of dumping and deformations of the soil massif.

The area of aerial photography was 50 hectares. An orthophotoplan, a 3D model and a height map (with horizontals) have been prepared for each measurement cycle. The analysis of materials was carried out both independently (in the current cycle) and in comparison with previous cycles. This made it possible to trace various slope and erosion processes, changes in the geometric characteristics of the embankment during construction work. It was also possible to identify some errors in the production of filling works. Then a preliminary design was developed, where solutions to the problems that arose during the construction of the embankment were proposed.

Fig. 3. Preparing drones for shooting the track.

Engineering and geological surveys as part of scientific and technical support during the construction of ski slopes and upper slopes of the cable car. The aerial photography was intended to reflect the actual situation on the site of the projected routes and supplement the archival engineering and geological materials with new data. This was necessary for the development of engineering protection measures, since, according to the design materials, most of the slopes were in an unstable state and required strengthening.

Fig. 4. Photo from the UAV.

The area of aerial photography of the territory of the future ski slopes was 224 hectares. As a result, an orthophotoplan, a 3D model and an elevation map (with horizontals) of the terrain were formed. They were used to develop topographic plans of 1:2,000 scale of hazardous geological processes and geocryological engineering zoning, and also facilitated the analysis of new and archival materials.

Conclusion. In the course of the work, the outcrops of rocky soils to the surface in areas with a slope of more than 40° were redefined. In the previous survey, performed by the classical method for a scale of 1:2,000, these areas were marked as non-rocky sandy and lumpy soil. Aerial photography from UAVs made it possible to reduce the volume of protective measures, reduce the cost of construction of trails. The relevance of new survey technologies for mining enterprises is the ability to speed up the process of obtaining extensive information about an object or territory. At the same time, in terms of accuracy of the result, such techniques are not inferior to traditional ones, and the level of safety for a person when performing laser scanning and aerial photography with BLPA is much higher.

This allows you to design engineering protection measures for an object in the shortest possible time or optimize ready-made solutions.




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11.Abdualiyev, E.B. (2019) "Research of surface condition of the rails rolling on sections of high-speed and high-speed train traffic, ," Journal of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers: Vol.15:Iss.2,Article14.Available at:https://uzjournals.edu.uz/tashiit/vol15/iss2/14

12.Abdualiyev, E.B. (2019) "Research of surface condition of the rails rollingon sections of high-speed and high-speed train traffic," Journal of Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers: Vol.15:Iss.3,Article4. Available at: https://uzjournals.edu.uz/tashiit/vol15/iss3/4







How to Cite

Abdualiyev Elerbek Begalievich Tashkent State University of Transport, doctoral student. Mirkhanova Mavzhuda Mikhailovna Tashkent State University of Transport, senior lecturer. Umaraliev Shokhzhakhon Mukhammadruzi ugli Tashkent State University of Transp. (2023). 6. DRONES IN THE SERVICE OF ENGINEERING PROTECTION AGAINST GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS. Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 2(1). Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/83

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