
  • Abdujabarov Abdukhamit Khalilovich, Professor Begmatov Pardaboy Abdurakhimovich, Associate Professor Eshonov Farhod Faizullaxujayevich, Senior Lecturer


The article describes the main difficulties in the production of economic surveys, certification of separate technological design lines (TLD), improvement of the quality of the products produced.

Key words: Railway monitoring, design and survey complex monitoring, risk



The process of carrying out organisational work to conduct complex engineering surveys for the design and construction of new railways or motorways or reconstruction of existing facilities is generally represented in the figure.

In recent years, in connection with the transition to market conditions of functioning, the organisation of surveys has undergone significant changes. Today there is no neutralised receipt and financing of separate orders, provision of overalls, equipment and transport vehicles. The solution of these issues depends entirely on the financial position of a particular design and survey organisation.

As a result of the analysis of the complex of measures on the organisation of engineering surveys, it is false to make a number of recommendations to improve the efficiency of decisions and, ultimately, to improve the quality and reduce the time of surveys.

Thus, one of the important and problematic stages is the formation of a portfolio of contracts with potential customers (see figure). For successful work of the designer at this stage it is necessary to:

- formation and accumulation of information base about customers;

- advertising and information propaganda of its products and potential with the use of modern opportunities, including at various exhibitions, via INTERNET and others;

- improvement of the quality of manufactured products;

- certification of separate technological design lines (TLD) of the products as a whole and of the enterprise-designer;

- improvement of negotiation experience.

For inclusion of applications in the work plan there should be a special scientifically grounded methodology on the basis of which the most promising and profitable objects could be unmistakably allocated. Special methods should be developed and on Formation of applications of the order of the head of the enterprise on the organisation of surveys in.1ya distribution:

- loading by departments;

- performers, as well as means of mechanisation and devices by titles and subdivisions.

Estimates of expenditures for surveys should be made on variants taking into account:

- different duration (if possible) of surveys and, as a consequence, : different number of employees;

- different reserves for the purchase of new equipment and technologies, devices, equipment and equipment.

Nashr qilingan

