3.24 Dialectical views of Abu Rayhan Beruni


  • Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich. Professor at Tashkent State Transport University.BEKMUROTOV OG‘ABEK XUSNIDDIN O‘G‘LI. Student at Tashkent State Transport University.



  It can be said that Abu Rayhan Beruni was not completely sure that the above procedure regarding the management of the society would be implemented in his time. Abu Rayhan Beruni emphasized that good and bad exist from the beginning to the end of people's lives and activities. It has been shown that a person's immoral behavior and inhumane actions lead to negative conclusions about him.

Key words. Society, management, dialectical change of events and movement

It should be noted that the ideas of the existence of dialectical change and movement of all things and phenomena are often found in the works of the Central Asian encyclopedist Abu Raikhan Beruni. A clear example of this is the Alloma belief that “flowing water does not break like standing water.” In some respects, this remark, consistent with the conclusion of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus that “you cannot enter running water twice in the same way,” applies equally to processes in society and in nature. At the same time, there is a difference between them. For example, processes in nature can exist without humans. If there is no person in a society, the existence of processes in it is impossible. After all, the rules of society are created by man, and man can change these rules whenever he wants.

Abu Rayhan Beruni outlined his unique views on social relations: “According to the stories of those who live in one of the distant countries of the Maghreb, land management in those lands is carried out alternately between peasants and landowners. At the end of his term, he himself will leave the country, give alms as a sign of gratitude and return to his people, and will be happy, as if freed from shackles and busy with his business. These views of the scientist are fully consistent with democracy, which is considered an important political value of modern social reality. After all, one of the priority principles of democracy is the change of government managers for a certain period of time.

It can be said that Abu Rayhan Beruni was not entirely sure that the procedure for managing society described above would be implemented in his time. Abu Rayhan Beruni emphasized that good and bad exist from the beginning to the end of people's lives and activities. It is shown that immoral human behavior and inhumane actions lead to negative conclusions about him. A clear proof of our opinion is the following phrase by Beruni: “People are in different life situations. They are praised by some of them, and condemned by others.” Indeed. Hardworking, honest and fair people, serving on the path of goodness and creation, always receive applause and praise from the people. On the contrary, those who put their personal interests first, are selfish, selfish and follow the path of evil and destruction will face the wrath and hatred of the people. We can see many examples of such situations already from ancient history, as well as from today's realities.

It is true that man is the highest of beings. Many divine blessings and abilities that other beings do not have are given to him alone. The creation and existence of social relations is the result of human intelligence, knowledge and labor. Thanks to the conscious activity of man, on their basis, types of activities arose that serve to improve the material and everyday life of people, such as animal husbandry, agriculture, crafts, trade and many professions. But, unfortunately, the above is sometimes destroyed by man himself. Because, no matter how much we extol it, “man is the owner of a body consisting of opposites ... combinations in his nature.”

Analyzing social relations, Abu Rayhan Beruni notes that people living in society may have different worldviews: “The beliefs of the upper class and ordinary people in each nation differ from each other... In particular, the thoughts and wills of these classes are different, and they oppose each other. will differ from each other in incompatible things. We can say that this idea was relevant not only during the time of Beruni, but has not lost its significance even now. Because there are a number of social strata, groups and classes that determine today's social relations. In particular, in society there are elderly people, middle-aged people, youth and minors, among them schoolchildren, students, pensioners, representatives of various professions, employees of government agencies and non-governmental organizations, as well as the unemployed. People. Their social status is different, and their material and living arrangements are also different. Therefore, it is natural that people living in society do not have the same worldview. For example, the life of our compatriots who grew up in a full-fledged family, graduated from universities, work in a highly paid government position or have their own business, grew up in conditions of acute financial deficit, and therefore could not even obtain a higher education, and at the same time, in difficult conditions in foreign countries , work for hire. It is clear that their attitudes, thinking and worldview are not the same. It is impossible and impossible to force them to think alike. This place is a society striving for elevation.

 Abu Rayhan Beruni also recognizes that morality and science occupy a special place in social relations. On the contrary, where immorality reigns, it is far from certain that there will be positive changes in social relations. Immorality has always hampered the development of human society. Humanity has struggled with immorality from the very beginning of conscious existence. In this struggle he sometimes won and sometimes lost. Then such negative vices as lies, corruption, deceit, and betrayal spread in society. It is a pity that some people in society do not even realize that they are influenced by these immoral vices. Because “a lie turns a person away from justice; arbitrariness, perjury, betrayal of trust, appropriation of other people's property through deception, theft and other bad habits that cause the destruction of the world and people, decorating a person.

Immorality destroys social relations, and morality strengthens social relations. It is to cultivate moral qualities and thereby create a way of life worthy of humanity. Beruni himself writes about this: “In addition to good morals, a person who turns his attention to the world will sacrifice what he finds, receive a reward in this world, achieve his goals and desires and be happy in the world. "What is happiness itself?

There may be different conclusions about this. Because everyone understands happiness in their own way. In our opinion, happiness is a person’s ability to live his life the way he wants, to live with his soulmate, to engage in his favorite profession, to receive a high salary commensurate with his work, to lead a decent lifestyle with full financial support, to be in the arms of a family formed on the basis of high spiritual values, and namely to live a peaceful and prosperous life in the bosom of a society capable of providing him with the conditions listed above. Immoral vices arise and thrive as a result of ignorance and ignorance. And science and knowledge eradicate the root of immoral vices. Because a knowledgeable and educated person distinguishes between good and bad, understands that moral qualities are important for his own progress and the progress of society, and uses all his abilities to make decisions. In conclusion: “The purity of knowledge is higher than the purity of everything else; because ignorance is destroyed by knowledge, and doubt, which is the substance of pain and suffering, is replaced by confidence as a result of knowledge.



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