
  • Mirakhmadov Sardor Magistrate student of Tashkent state of transport university Khalilova Rakhima Professor of Tashkent state of transport university


Bugungi kunda atrof-muhit holatini o'ta qiyin deb atash mumkin. Bunga moslashish uchun odam yangi texnikani ixtiro qilishi kerak. shu tarzda suvni tozalash filtrlari paydo bo'ldi, maqola filtrlar haqida.

 Каlit so’zlar: suv filtrlari, teskari osmozli, sorbsion filtrlar, ultrabinafsha nur.

Аннотация: Сегодня состояние окружающей среды можно назвать крайне тяжелым. Чтобы приспособиться к этому, нужно изобрести новую технику. Так появились фильтры для очистки воды, статья о фильтрах.

Ключевые слова: фильты воды, обратный осмос, сорбционные фильтры, ультрафиолетовый луч.

 Abstract: Today the state of the environment can be called extremely difficult. To adapt to this, you need to invent a new technique. This is how filters for water purification appeared, an article on filters.

Key words: water filters, reverse osmosis, sorption filters, ultraviolet ray.

 Water is essential for life. It participates in all processes that occur in a living cell. Intracellular fluid in the body is renewed every six months. Therefore, human health largely depends on the quality of water. Poor quality water can seriously disrupt our lives. Tap water contains many harmful compounds: phenol, formaldehyde, heavy metal salts, petroleum products, compounds containing chlorine, etc. Today, the environmental situation can be called extremely difficult. To adapt to this, man must invent new techniques. In this way, water purification filters appeared, which we will talk about today. Untreated water is extremely dangerous for human health, bacteria and pathogens live and exist in it.



How to Cite

Mirakhmadov Sardor Magistrate student of Tashkent state of transport university Khalilova Rakhima Professor of Tashkent state of transport university. (2024). 9.26 NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF WATER PURIFICATION IN MODERN WORLD. Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 9(1), 127–129. Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/313