
  • Shahnoza Boymirzayeva Baxodir qizi Namangan davlat universiteti, Jahon tillari fakulteti, Filologiya va tillarni o'qitish: ingliz tili yo'nalishi, Eng-BU-20, 402-guruh talabasi


This article explores the complexities of language revitalization, examining the challenges faced and the successes achieved in reviving endangered languages. It highlights the importance of linguistic diversity, the impact of globalization on languages, and the diverse strategies employed by communities and organizations to revitalize their linguistic heritage.

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqola tilni jonlantirishning murakkabliklarini o'rganadi, duch kelgan muammolar va yo'qolib ketish xavfi ostidagi tillarni qayta tiklashda erishilgan muvaffaqiyatlarni o'rganadi. Unda tillar xilma-xilligi, globallashuvning tillarga ta’siri hamda jamoalar va tashkilotlarning til merosini jonlantirish uchun qo‘llayotgan turli strategiyalari muhimligi ta’kidlangan.

Аннотация: В данной статье исследуются сложности возрождения языков, рассматриваются стоящие перед ними проблемы и достигнутые успехи в возрождении языков, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения. В нем подчеркивается важность языкового разнообразия, влияние глобализации на языки и разнообразные стратегии, используемые сообществами и организациями для возрождения своего языкового наследи

Keywords: language revitalization, language endangerment, cultural preservation, linguistic diversity, indigenous languages, immersion programs, community-based initiatives, educational initiatives, digital technologies, success stories, challenges, sustainability, ethical considerations.

Kalit so'zlar: tilni qayta tiklash, tilni xavf ostiga qo'yish, madaniyatni saqlab qolish, til xilma-xilligi, mahalliy tillar, immersion dasturlari, jamiyatga asoslangan tashabbuslar, ta'lim tashabbuslari, raqamli texnologiyalar, muvaffaqiyat hikoyalari, muammolar, barqarorlik, axloqiy mulohazalar

Ключевые слова: возрождение языка, языковая угроза, сохранение культуры, языковое разнообразие, языки коренных народов, программы погружения, общественные инициативы, образовательные инициативы, цифровые технологии, истории успеха, проблемы, устойчивость, этические соображения.

Strategies for Revival:

* Immersion Programs: These programs provide intensive language learning environments, often using immersion schools and cultural events, to foster fluency and reawaken a love for the language. [13, 14]

* Community-Based Language Programs: Indigenous communities often lead revitalization efforts, focusing on grassroots initiatives, intergenerational learning, and the reintegration of the language into everyday life. [15, 16]

* Educational Initiatives: Integrating endangered languages into formal education systems is crucial. Developing bilingual education programs, teacher training, and culturally appropriate curriculum materials helps revive languages within the younger generation. [17, 18]

* Digital Technologies: Modern technology has emerged as a powerful tool. Online language learning platforms, language documentation projects, and social media campaigns provide vital resources and connect language learners and speakers globally. [19, 20]

Success Stories: Reviving a Language is a Journey, Not a Destination

Despite the challenges, there are inspiring success stories of language revitalization, proving that the fight for linguistic survival can be won.Maori (Te Reo Māori) in New Zealand: Through government policies, educational reforms, and dedicated community efforts, Te Reo Māori has witnessed a remarkable revival. It is now taught in schools, used in government and media, and celebrated as a symbol of national identity. [21, 22]

* Hawaiian (ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi): The Hawaiian language, once on the brink of extinction, has experienced a resurgence thanks to immersion schools, language learning resources, and the establishment of a Hawaiian language immersion university. [23, 24]

* Cherokee (Tsalagi Gawonihisdi): The Cherokee language has been successfully revitalized through community-based programs, the development of a unique written form (Syllabary), and the integration of language learning into cultural events. [25, 26]



How to Cite

Shahnoza Boymirzayeva Baxodir qizi Namangan davlat universiteti, Jahon tillari fakulteti, Filologiya va tillarni o’qitish: ingliz tili yo’nalishi, Eng-BU-20, 402-guruh talabasi. (2024). 8.32 A SYMPHONY OF HOPE: LANGUAGE REVITALIZATION EFFORTS – CHALLENGES AND SUCCESSES. Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 8(1), 125–128. Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/286