
  • Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. Toshkent davlat transport universiteti professori v.b. Jonuzoqov Mirtemir Normurod o‘g‘li. . Toshkent davlat transport universiteti talabasi.




In the article, it is analyzed that education cannot be implemented without education, and education without education, that these two concepts are considered the main axis roots of enlightenment, that education is of high quality only where there is education, and that education is important not only in education, but in the processes taking place in the whole society.

Key words: upbringing, education, enlightenment, youth, changes, future.


 It is gratifying that in recent years in our country, as in Japan, attention has been paid to science and education, especially to the education of young people. At the same time, equal attention is paid to continuous education at all levels. For this purpose, for the first time in the history of our country, the “MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND INNOVATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN” was created. The purpose of this ministry is to spread education among our children from a very early age. In the public education system, which is the longest and most important stage in the education of our youth, much attention is paid to fundamental changes and fundamental changes are being carried out in the school education system. A lot of work has been done to improve the material and technical condition of schools and raise the status of teachers, which is planned to be continued in the future. Higher education, considered the highest level of education, is experiencing positive changes no less than other areas. Many measures have been developed to train qualified specialists with modern knowledge, and processes to ensure their implementation are ongoing. There is no doubt that all these reforms will ultimately serve to bring social relations in our country to a new level.

We have used the words education together on many occasions in our thoughts above. The reason for this is that education cannot be carried out without education, and education cannot be carried out without education. Both of these concepts are the roots of the main axis of enlightenment. Education will be of high quality only where there is education. Upbringing is important not only in education, but also in processes occurring in society as a whole. The French scientist La Mettrie said that “without education there would be very few good people in the world. Only education improves a person’s inner world. “Only education can direct a person to be useful for the benefit of others.” In essence, education is a social force that determines the direction of social relations. It is known that the subject of social relations is a person. The way a person behaves depends on his upbringing. Simply put, people interact when they live in society. This relationship can be good or bad. Or it could be a mixture of good and bad. Also, everyone can act in their own interests, without doing each other either good or evil. Our people have a proverb: “If you can’t do good, then don’t do bad.” In a sense, this is also a kind of education. But the beauty of society is that the people living in it do good to each other, use each other, and make a living with each other's interests in mind. Of course, this has to do with education. Because only a well-educated person can do good to other people and can sympathize with the pain and worries of others. A large number of people receiving such education will lead to further development of this society. Humanity, humanity and generosity are necessary for all members of society. However, this is especially important for representatives of the materially rich layer of society, that is, for the rich. Why it should be “It is the duty of a rich man to provide for the happiness of society and to lighten the hearts of others with his happiness.” What we agree on is that poor, poor or middle class people who do not have much wealth cannot help others even if they want to. Because their financial capabilities do not allow this. True, most of this category of people are educated, good people. We don't want to belittle them. But it's true.

We must admit that the majority of our compatriots are now in this situation. If they were rich and had surplus funds, they would help those in need. We can give tens, hundreds and thousands of real-life examples of similar content. One conclusion that can be drawn from them is that if the rich and complacent people in a society are kind and generous to others, if they can share their happiness with others, then there will be cooperation and harmony. The emergence of conflicts and conflicts of a social nature is also prohibited. These situations primarily serve the interests of the rich. After all, in a stable society where there is peace, the wealth of the rich continues to grow. God forbid, if there is instability and a turbulent situation, the rich will suffer the most. Because they have at their disposal retail outlets, manufacturing enterprises and other business facilities of various levels. Their activities are in crisis in themselves. This means that income will mean stopping and starting to take damage. Then there will be no people in a disorderly society. Instead, a crowd appears. And it is known where the crowd will attack and close first. We need to make sure things don't go in such an unpleasant direction. We must think not only about our own interests, but also take into account the interests of society and serve its development. “If we bring happiness to society, we create our own happiness with it.” A very good point. After all, society consists not of one person, but of millions, or even billions of people (in the case of China and India). It is the minds, dreams, aspirations, human or non-human behavior of these people that determine the future of society. We used the phrase “inhumane behavior” for a reason. Because, no matter how pleasant it may be, the existence of a perfect, ideal society is very doubtful. In real life, no society can consist of 100% perfect people. Whether you like it or not, there are different people in any society. In particular, there are bad guys and villains who hold back the progress of society. Society has created laws to restrain such people and fights them through these laws. No matter how hard it is, we have to admit that “Only fear of the law stops evil people.”


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How to Cite

Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. Toshkent davlat transport universiteti professori v.b. Jonuzoqov Mirtemir Normurod o‘g‘li. . Toshkent davlat transport universiteti talabasi. (2023). 4.21 EDUCATION AND TRAINING: HOW FACTORS INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTRIES. Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 4(1), 76–78. Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/153