
  • Embergenov Avezmurat Bekmuratovich Tashkent State University of Transport, Assistant. Mirkhanova Mavzhuda Mikhailovna Tashkent State University of Transport, senior lecturer. Umaraliev Shokhzhakhon Mukhammadruzi ugli Tashkent State University of Transport


Abstract: The georadiolocation method is based on the emission of electromagnetic wave transmitters and the registration of signals reflected from the boundaries of the layers of the probed medium with different permittivity. Such boundaries of the section are, for example, contacts between dry and water-saturated soils (groundwater level), between rocks of different lithological composition, between rock and material of artificial origin, between thawed and frozen soils, between loose and bedrock, etc.

Keywords: class of rolling stock; comparison of classes of elements of the structure with the load class; clarification of the boundaries of the use of pipe structures according to current standard projects; consideration of the actual operating conditions of the operated pipes.




Ембергенов Авезмурат Бекмуратович

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, ассистент.

Мирханова Мавжуда Михайиловна

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, старший преподаватель.

Умаралиев Шохжахон Мухаммадрузи угли

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, ассистент.

Абдуалиев Элёрбек Бегалиевич

Ташкентский государственный университет транспорта, доктарант.

Аннотация: Метод георадиолокации основан на излучении передатчиков электромагнитных волн и регистрации сигналов, отраженных от границ слоев зондируемой среды с различной диэлектрической проницаемостью. Такими границами разреза являются, например, контакты между сухими и водонасыщенными грунтами (уровень грунтовых вод), между породами различного литологического состава, между горной породой и материалом искусственного происхождения, между талыми и мерзлыми грунтами, между рыхлыми и коренными породами и т.д. Определенный диэлектрик проницаемость и геотехнические свойства материалов дорожного полотна напрямую не связаны друг с другом.

Ключевые слова: георадиолокации, подвижного состава; сравнение классов элементов сооружения с классом нагрузки; уточнение границ применения конструкций труб по действующим типовым проектам; учет фактических условий работы эксплуатируемых труб.

Introduction. Georadiolocation diagnostics should be carried out specialists trained to work on the appropriate equipment and proficient in this technique. Georadiolocation diagnostics is used for the purpose of:

- reducing the volume of labor - intensive and expensive engineering and geological work during the survey of the roadbed;

- obtaining initial data for the design, development of measures to strengthen the roadbed and its foundation;

- obtaining initial data for capital repair planning reconstruction (modernization) of the upper structure of the track;

- determination of the causes of sudden deformations of the upper structure of the track or the roadbed;

- carrying out quality control of work during repair, reconstruction, construction of the roadbed.

Radar survey on the roadbed can be carried out with the help of ground-penetrating radars that meet the requirements of work on the operated roadbed. Stationary ground–penetrating radars mounted on wagons or other vehicles can be used for georadolocation shooting, or portable ones - intended for use during detailed shooting. The quality of measurements depends on the correctly selected parameters and operating modes of the equipment and the appropriate selection of antennas. To work at different depths of the studied thickness, it is necessary to choose antennas operating in the appropriate ranges. Georadar is a device designed to solve a wide range of tasks during the diagnostics of the roadbed. The ground-penetrating radar should provide real-time output to the computer display of the radar profile with simultaneous recording to its hard disk. The software must support the appropriate type of color or monochrome display, allow you to display the sensing data in various forms. Data reception should be provided in continuous mode /main/ and in step-by-step mode with accumulation. Step-by-step mode is used whenthe maximum possible depth of sensing for solving special tasks. Continuous mode gives the maximum spatial solution[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. The main type of shooting is georadolocation profiling, which is performed when the georadar antenna is continuously moved along a given section. During the movement , registration and continuous recording of information coming from the antenna is carried out (reflected signals), which is then displayed on the computer screen (if necessary, printed) in the form of a geo–radar section - a radarogram. When shooting within the main site, three antenna layout schemes are possible (Fig. 1)[9,10,11].

Fig. 1. Antenna arrangement schemes during georadolocation survey.

The best quality of recordings of reflected signals is obtained by direct contact of the antenna with the earth's surface. If there are irregularities on the surface (vegetation, large stones, household garbage, bumps, etc.), the height of raising the antennas above the ground can be increased to 10 - 15 cm. Measurements are recommended to be carried out after rains, since the contrast the boundaries recorded on radiograms significantly depend on the degree of water saturation of the soil.

Diagnostic signs of defects and deformations of the roadbed allow us to assess the condition of the soil at the time of shooting by the type and shape of the phase lines on the radar. When interpreting, it is necessary to be guided by the following basic principles of identifying defects and deformations of the roadbed with the form of phase lines on radarograms:

- a local decrease in the phase line indicates the presence of a defect in the main platform of the roadbed in the form of a ballast bed or bag;

- the presence of discontinuities or a sharp decrease in amplitudes on the phase line characterizes the presence of a weakened zone in the body of the roadbed (loose soil). This zone corresponds to a low reflection coefficient;

Fig. 2. Interpretation of the radiogram for determining the layers of the roadbed.

- a decrease in the speed of the electromagnetic wave is a sign of an increase in soil moisture;

- a sharp increase in the specific attenuation of the electromagnetic wave (decrease in the amplitude of oscillations) characterizes completely water-saturated soils and the presence of a groundwater horizon[12].

Fig. 3. Determination of the power of ballast plumes a.-the contact zone of the ballast plume soil and the soil of the embankment body.

Conclusion. The use of georadar survey makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of surveying the roadbed, promptly solve emerging problems to ensure the safety of train traffic. The results of the diagnosis of the condition of the roadbed with the help of ground-penetrating radar, if necessary, should be supplemented with measurement using other non-destructive methods to clarify and supplement information about the actual condition of this place or section of the roadbed.


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How to Cite

Embergenov Avezmurat Bekmuratovich Tashkent State University of Transport, Assistant. Mirkhanova Mavzhuda Mikhailovna Tashkent State University of Transport, senior lecturer. Umaraliev Shokhzhakhon Mukhammadruzi ugli Tashkent State University of Transport. (2023). 10. GEORADIOLOCATION DIAGNOSTICS OF THE ROADBED. Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 2(1). Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/87