
  • Murotova Yulduz Fakhriddin kizi State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan 3rd year student of the Faculty of Library and Information Activities


Abstract. Today, our unique country, our beloved Uzbekistan, which has no equivalent in the world, is finding its rightful place in the world community. At the heart of this lies the unity, hard work, education of our people, striving for knowledge and spiritual elevation. It is not for nothing that raising the morale of our people, especially the young generation, has risen to the level of state policy in Uzbekistan.

Kеywоrds: book, reading, ignorance, perfect person, method.



It is no secret that every country is great not only with its natural resources, military power and production potential, but also with the high spirituality and culture of its people. In fact, the pursuit of knowledge, education is an age-old characteristic of our people. The holy book of Islam, the Holy Qur'an, also glorifies enlightenment, wisdom, and knowledge as virtues. "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave" is stated in the hadith. From time immemorial, our people considered learning and being knowledgeable as a shield against all difficulties, knowledge and power are twins.


The book is a great invention created by mankind. It transmits all spiritual wealth from generation to generation and is also a means of raising a perfect generation. Man can reveal the secrets of the world relying only on science. From this point of view, one of the urgent problems of today is to expand the layer of "readers" and to create a mature generation based on this. This increases the responsibility we have as educators. Protecting today's youth from foreign ideas, raising their spiritual potential, and preparing them for family life opens up a wide range of opportunities for us to fulfill a number of our tasks, such as preparing a flexible, well-rounded generation that can ultimately meet global standards.

In this sense, Claude Gelvetzi's opinion that "the patrons of ignorance are actually the worst enemies of humanity" is appropriate. Therefore, a person who does not love books faces ignorance and closes the doors of perfection for himself. In this sense, our future pedagogues must be leaders in "literacy". It is not for nothing that these noble principles are glorified in our country today. Indeed, the 21st century is the age of intelligence, the age of intellects. Those who are educated are of the time. A virtuous society, a legal democratic state can only be built by educated people. Moreover, the current era is the information age. A country rich in information resources is a powerful country. Information warfare is an attack that worries humanity today, more terrible than nuclear war. In order to stand against it, a person should have a lot of knowledge and information, and constantly sharpen his thinking. For this, it is necessary to make effective use of the services of the library and information resource center. Today, a person's wealth of information is an important factor that determines his spirituality, in other words, his level. Because a person rich in information is a knowledgeable person, the time demands that everyone has a culture of receiving information. And using the library service is an important step on this path. The great philosopher G. Leibniz is absolutely right when he says that "Libraries are masterpieces of all the spiritual wealth of mankind." We know well from history that all our great ancestors respected books and understood reading as a sign of high culture. That's why great people, poets and scholars, sheikhul mashayikhs came out of our holy land. Imam Bukhari, Hakim al-Tirmizi, Khoja Ahmed Yassavi, Abu Nasr Farabi, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Imam al-Moturidi, Imam ad-Dorami, Makhdumi Azam, Abullais Samarqandi, Alisher Navai, Abdurrahman Jami, Mirza Ulug'bek, The blessed names of our great ancestors, like Qazizada Rumi, have spread to seven climates from the Maghreb to the East [1].

We know that the main goal of education in the pedagogical process is to create a "perfect person". Our generations have been constantly searching for this goal and have created various folk styles. The method of advice is such a popular method, and despite the fact that it has been used for centuries, the effectiveness of this method seems to have weakened a little today. We point to the breadth of information, the Internet, and the speed of the globalization process. However, it is no secret to us that folk methods in our folk pedagogy have been tested for centuries [2].

If we dwell on the essence of the destructive ideas that have become a global problem today and have poisoned the minds of some of our youth, we can see that our scholars realized that it is impossible to look at this problem indifferently in the Middle Ages. These problems are the global problems of today's society and pedagogy. Since book-loving is at the root of not giving in to foreign ideas, it is appropriate that we take sufficient measures and activities to develop this quality in our youth. The solution always requires our time, attention and effort. We get this strength from books and works left by our ancestors. Therefore, as long as students and young people learn the characteristic of "readiness" and then go to work, the potential of our personnel is sure to be high. Therefore, it would be appropriate to use the works of our students in the course of their lessons, to rely on interactive methods of analyzing the works. Because perfection always requires a broad outlook. "Book-loving" is a factor that forms and develops worldview.


Today, the role of libraries in the development of scientific and creative environment in educational institutions is incomparable. To make it a real center of spirituality is an important requirement of today. Today, most people are used to turning to the Internet as a source of information. This has its own positive aspects. A student can save time, acquire information by types. However, regardless of its positive aspects, the system of knowledge or information acquired through books has natural psychological and pedagogical properties. That's why nothing can be compared to reading a book and the peace and spiritual nourishment you get from it. Inculcating this as a law in the minds of young people is one of the issues facing not only pedagogues, but also parents, whose solution cannot be delayed. If parents are friends with books, children will also respect books. When giving a book starts in the family, it lasts a lifetime. At the same time, we feel that a well-rounded generation is the foundation of the future. Because book-loving is the first sign of maturity. After all, the place, position and fame of any nation in the history of the world depends directly on the mental and physical maturity of its children.


  1. Khojamurodov I. Understanding of spiritual values and national identity Tashkent.. 2011
  2. Kuronov M. Akmalov A. Our national qualities - how to love the country? T.: 2012
  3. www.ziyonet.uz
  4. www.dislib.uz



How to Cite

Murotova Yulduz Fakhriddin kizi State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan 3rd year student of the Faculty of Library and Information Activities. (2023). 3. THE ROLE OF LIBRARIES IN CREATING A NEW SPIRITUAL SPACE. Innovative Technologies in Construction Scientific Journal, 2(1), 18–21. Retrieved from https://inntechcon.uz/index.php/current/article/view/80