A method for determining the carrying capacity of culverts on the railway network is proposed. The methodology is based on the principle of classification by load capacity, adopted in the current regulatory documents for metal and reinforced concrete superstructures, railway bridge supports. The method is based on the principle of expressing the permissible time load in units of the reference load according to scheme C1. The permissible load is understood as the maximum intensity of the temporary vertical linear load, which does not cause a limit state. Rolling stock is classified by the expression of the equivalent load from the rolling stock in units of the same reference load, the number of units of which is the class of rolling stock. The possibility of skipping the load is determined by comparing the classes of elements of the structure with the load class. With the help of the methodology, it is possible to clarify the boundaries of the use of pipe structures according to current standard projects, as well as taking into account the actual working conditions of the pipes in operation.
Keywords: culverts; the principle of classification by load capacity; permissible temporary load; reference load according to scheme C1; expression of the equivalent load from the rolling stock in units of reference load; class of rolling stock; comparison of classes of elements of the structure with the load class; clarification of the boundaries of the use of pipe structures according to current standard projects; consideration of the actual operating conditions of the operated pipes.
Introduction. In accordance with paragraph 1.9 of the Instruction CP-628 on the maintenance of artificial structures [1] all railway bridges should be classified by load capacity, while the question of the carrying capacity of culverts is not specified in any way, and culverts make up up to 70% of all artificial structures on railways. The classification method was developed in the 60s of the twentieth century and is reflected in the Guidelines for determining the load capacity of reinforced concrete and metal superstructures, bridge supports, as well as in the Manual for the passage of rolling stock on railway bridges [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The method is based on the principle of expression The permissible time load in units of the reference load according to the scheme H1. The permissible load is understood as the maximum intensity of the temporary vertical linear load, which does not cause a limit state. Rolling stock is classified by the expression of the equivalent load from the rolling stock in units the same reference load, the number of units of which is the class of rolling stock.